WordPress Update
I got the notification that there was an update to the version of WordPress installed, no naturally, I updated. I have to say I love this new version (5.6)!
Before, I had to keep a relatively basic theme installed (I downloaded it from wordpress.org, but in the stylesheet renamed it as Editor Theme since that was all I kept it for) so I could use the visual editor (I make my themes with Artisteer and for some reason I could never figure out, with those themes activated as default, I couldn’t switch between visual and text, nor could I set up my sidebar widgets, so I used the basic theme when I was using the editor, then had to use WordPress’s Live Preview for the changing of the widgets). Now! Long story short, after updating I looked though the editor and I DON’T need to switch to that basic theme to switch between Visual and Text.
Way to go WordPress!
This afternoon my Oreo gets to come home!!! They’re discharging him and said we could pick him up around 4
Went to visit my sweet Oreo at the vet’s today…he’s looking a bit better than yesterday
My poor 11 year old tuxedo cat, Oreo doesn’t feel well 🙁 He’s crying a lot…so tomorrow he has to see the doctor.
Update: As we suspected, poor little Oreo is urinary blocked, so he’s still at the vets being unblocked. Boy do I miss my cookie-man 🙁
Midnight In Salem
When the game first came out last year, I pre-ordered the PC physical copy….and saved it back for Christmas. After Christmas, I attempted to install it to my Inspiron 3555 (old PC now), and it wouldn’t go past the loading screen (so it wouldn’t even get to the game menu). As it turns out, my old PC couldn’t run it, which was okay…I planned on upgrading within a year anyways and could be sure the new one could. — Fast-forward to now….I have officially fully played EVERY Nancy Drew PC game (I started MID last night and finished today)
First impressions…
I personally don’t get all of the hate — yes, there’s noticeable differences, just from Sea of Darkness to Midnight In Salem. It’s weird to play a ND game without Lani Minella voicing Nancy, but the new voice actress did a fabulous job. The gameplay was a little weird, but I adjusted (I have played King’s Quest 8: Mask Of Eternity, which is also 3D and again also quite hated in it’s fanbase, so I think that may have helped me adjust to the difference in graphic style and maneuverability).
I loved the theme and story behind this game, my only real complaint was when you turned around and a character was RIGHT UP IN YOUR FACE.
Missed having Bess and George as phone contacts, though loved having the Hardys in person (my favorite version of them is STILL Last Train To Blue Moon Canyon)
It’s A Go
I’ve been saving up, and researching, and today I got my new laptop ordered. This will be my first that isn’t an Inspiron, since the Inspiron with my requirements was out of stock
My new computer is the Dell G3….and is coming Friday 😁😊
Last year I ordered a portable blu-ray drive for my computer, because Dell isn’t putting even DVD drives in laptops anymore, so my new computer won’t have it’s own drive (and so I can watch the Blu-Ray disc of movies). Recently I noticed a couple bits of the spindle have flaked off, so I replaced it with one that even has a couple usb ports, and also a SD slot AND a micro SD slot. Roughly 2 weeks after I got that drive, my computer didn’t register it….the last couple days have been kinda a battle with the seller.
The drive’s accompanying cords never worked for it (I had to use my old drive’s cord, which luckily has the same connector type) to use the drive. While taking the photos the seller asked for, the drive’s metal connector in it’s rear popped off.
They responded that they will be sending a new drive (which is coming Tuesday….but one part of their response kinda pissed me off, to the point of making this blog entry. This is their most recent message (the yellow text is what inspired this rant)
Hello Jen,
Thank you very much for your information. Just now we had arranged to send the new drive to you and you will get it on 23 June.Once there is a tracking number,we will inform you at first time,thanks.
Please pay more attention when pluging cable into the drive.
Best wishes.
Yes, all of the messages from them had that not-good grammar, which isn’t the cause for my irk….what caused it was them basically saying I jammed the cord into the connector. The drive is by the brand Guamar, and the Amazon seller is Biscon Tech. Would I buy from them again? Probably not. Would I tell people stay away? again, probably not. The drive is good, I just am not 100% thrilled with their customer service (though they are sending the new drive quickly, which I am impressed with). If, in the future, I would need to replace this drive, would I get one from them again? I doubt it. I would probably go back to Pioneer.
One last thing, the above paragraph is not intended to bad-mouth Biscon, this is all just my own personal opinion, and if it changes with the new drive (maybe I just got a bad one) I will post a new entry
The last couple months haven’t had much to post about. Life has been somewhat normal. Work-wise and home-wise. Last week I had to replace my computer’s portable bluray drive, some of the “teeth” on it’s spindle broke off. While I was waiting for the new (and a little more fancier one), I used my computer’s optical drive for regular Dvds…then it stopped working, so within a few days of Dell having me try a couple things, then when those didn’t work, they put in an order to send me a new drive (which hasn’t come yet, but I do have my new portable bluray drive now.
Vacation got pushed back because of The Rona. Instead of going June 23-24, we got our hotel reservations pushed back to July 28-29. Found out this morning that CP announced their opening day – July 9 (2 months from when they should have opened, and would have if not for The Rona). Yes, things will be different with the health protocols, but it’s still a getaway)
This past week has been short, I only had 3 days (13 hours total), and I just got next week’s schedule, and I’m honestly enthusiastic for it. It’s almost like an old normal week, the first once before corona.
Grey’s Anatomy
The other day while watching the season 16 finale, I came to a conclusion…Schmitt is like the new George
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