Author: Jen

  • Test

    Testing WordPress

  • All Fucked Up

    I randomly noticed my themes were messed up, so I started poking at them. It looks like WP and Artisteer aren’t being compatible (unless it’s my PC, but I have NO flipping idea). So I bore down and although I couldn’t really afford to, bought the full version of TemplateToaster. Now, the themes are even…

  • Dell

    Been having problems with my laptop’s keyboard (number row at the top and the end key not working) so I contacted Dell. They troubleshooted all they could and scheduled a technician……..this is where it gets aggregating. I told Dell I work 10:30-4 Monday-Fruday, but they said technicians come between 9-6 and Tuesday (today) the tech…

  • Happy National Pet Day

    Saw on Facebook that it’s National Pet Day!!! Happy National Pet Day, Kaiser, Darling, Frasier, Elijah, Pumpkin, Dabbie, Lizzie, Tinker, Bandit, Harold, Maverick & Chester  

  • Themes

    Got my yearly themes done, coded and uploaded….odd part is although I didn’t look at any of my old panels before making the new ones, some of them are VERY similar (with the same pics and same order, but all are brand newly made this year)

  • Rest In Peace

    Again, my heart is broken — rather shattered. Although he is an older cat (14) and had gotten quite skinny (boney rather), but Barney passed away at home tonight. It was quite sudden, and the way he cried and his body acted, we think he had a stroke. Rest easy my sweet Monkey Man (my…

  • Rest In Peace

    Our sweet cat Tigger has not been doing well 🙁 In the last year, he has dropped weight (he’s 14), but lately he’s been very vocal (his last litter-mate sister has been too, but now I wonder if his may have atleast been partially in pain), walking a little unsteady (that one was only in…

  • Nice People Still Exist

    Nice people still exist. I worked today, and I had a guy come inside and order 2 whopper jrs (currently on sale 2 for $5) and a chocolate shake. I’d gotten his shake and when his sandwiches were done, I bagged them up and handed him the bag. He held out a folded bill and…

  • Nice People Still Exist

    Nice people still exist. I worked today, and I had a guy come inside and order 2 whopper jrs (currently on sale 2 for $5) and a chocolate shake. I’d gotten his shake and when his sandwiches were done, I bagged them up and handed him the bag. He held out a folded bill and…

  • Knitting

    Last night I was working on my blanket and I must have had my finger braced up against one of the upcoming pegs on my Afghan loom at just the wrong angle, because it snapped off flush right at the base. I glued it and let it sit overnight so hopefully that holds for a…

Always Forever