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I love my cirkul bottles I have for home, and I have a few: one plastic 22 ounce (my original), 2 32 ounce stainless steel (one is rose gold and the other is Chameleon), and a 40 ounce tumbler (bright pink).  With drinking from those, I do drink more water.

I wanted to drink more water at work, instead of buyinh 5 20 Mt. Dews every week (which I am a Dew girl, I LOVE my dew, but buying 5 a week adds up)

SO, I spent some money, ordering a stainless steel 22 ounce cirkul (to JUST be my work bottle), with matching lid, matching silicone shock sleeve and a few flavors to add to my stash.

My package came today — 2 days earlier than the original estimated delivery window began.

More Yarn

I love that Big Lots has been getting yarn (and good yarn to boot) in the repack boxes!  This time, this is what I got (all are marked at $3.99 but some rang in at $1.99 and some and even $2


Another good yarn day at Big Lots!  I bought a second skein of Bernat Maker Home Dec, and all 6 skeins O’Go Bernat….all for under $20!!!!!

Welcome, Simba

Meet our newest friend, Simba!  He was a stray that’s been coming around, and tonight he moved in


Got my themes back to how they belong!  If I’d known the fix, I wouldn’t have deleted my themes and spent $99 on TemplateToaster, but we can’t go into the past.

I did, however, lose my past themes, thankfully I had a backup of last year’s themes, so these will be good for now

PHP is aggrevating!

I found out it was the PHP verson that wasn’t letting my artisteer themes show. If I change down to 7.4, artisteer themes show as they always did, but any PHP version higher than 7.4 gives error.

So then, I thought to myself, HEY! I could just switch to 7.4, then I could use BOTH Artisteer and TemplateToaster (but then I loaded a theme I made in TT…..error-city. Below are screencaps, the first is the TemplateToaster theme with PHP version 7.4, the second is the same theme selected, but with PHP updated to 8.3

I had though I could keep both theme makers installed an use them both since I spent so much money on them.  (the full version of Artisteer was $129, but I have used it for yeeeeeeeeeeears, so I feel it’s made it’s cost worthy. I like the ease of use with it, though some features I wish it had.  With TemplateToaster, it’s full version is $99 (still on sale). It’s more complicated, but some of it’s stylizing is better than Artisteer.

I have 2 current issues with TemplateToaster:
Above and below the blog posts is the word Navigation and nowhere in WP’s dashboard is there a way to turn that off (nor is there something in TT’s program either)
Comments are not possible (the Dahboard for WP has commenting on, and themes not made in TT allows them, but in TT themes, if you click the [leave a comment] link, it just reload’s the post

Now with Artisteer, the themes show up the way they should (and I don’t have to go through the rigamarole of importing content just to not truly import (since it’ll import TT default pages not my pages, then reselect the blog posts to show instead of a static page), but my only qualm here is (aside from not truly liking having to downgrade php verson) is how to access commenting. The visitor has to open the post page.   [Footnote: while typing this, I googled a way to add comments in Artisteer themes, I may have fixed it!!!!! If  my thinking’s right, I’ll keep both programs, yes, but Artisteer will be back to #1.  In hindsight, I did always want to try TT since Artisteer has NO customer support, and it can stay in my repertoire as a backup 😉

All Fucked Up

I randomly noticed my themes were messed up, so I started poking at them. It looks like WP and Artisteer aren’t being compatible (unless it’s my PC, but I have NO flipping idea). So I bore down and although I couldn’t really afford to, bought the full version of TemplateToaster.

Now, the themes are even worse fucked up! Colors aren’t alligned, the layout image is off-skew and not fully showing (yet they said everything looked fine with the theme on their end)

I re-exported the them as HTML, which then it DOES look right, but in that way, there’s no fucking blog! (plus I had to edit every page with TT for the menu)

I tried it with Drupal (even though Drual is beyond me) and all I get is system errors. In the beginning I went with Artisteer (and now TT I guess) because seeing things is easier for me with the coding, but it looks like to keep WP, I may have to find a way to edit a WP theme, which means doing it by hand, which makes TT a waste of fucking money! (I didn’t lob Artisteer there because, it was a third of the price, and with the years I’ve used it, it’s been useful)

[edit] After enabling a TT theme, the colors/image is still all fucked up (down and and to the right and the colors not how I set them) And ALL you can see is THIS FUCKING POST.  Even if you click a different page in the menu [/edit]


Been having problems with my laptop’s keyboard (number row at the top and the end key not working) so I contacted Dell. They troubleshooted all they could and scheduled a technician……..this is where it gets aggregating.

I told Dell I work 10:30-4 Monday-Fruday, but they said technicians come between 9-6 and Tuesday (today) the tech would call and set up a time convenient to my schedule.

Yes, he called, but I got the impression I needed to make it convenient for HIM! (He’s an hour and a half from me and 4:40 would be too late)

He said he’d call and see if someone closer to me had an opening … But when he called back, what he’d done was fill today up with appointments so I’d either have to miss work tomorrow or find SOMEBODY to be in the house at noon tomorrow (or possibly push the repair back to when I could be there at noon!

Thank you Scott for pissing me off all day

Happy National Pet Day

Saw on Facebook that it’s National Pet Day!!!

Happy National Pet Day, Kaiser, Darling, Frasier, Elijah, Pumpkin, Dabbie, Lizzie, Tinker, Bandit, Harold, Maverick & Chester


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