All Fucked Up

I randomly noticed my themes were messed up, so I started poking at them. It looks like WP and Artisteer aren’t being compatible (unless it’s my PC, but I have NO flipping idea). So I bore down and although I couldn’t really afford to, bought the full version of TemplateToaster.

Now, the themes are even worse fucked up! Colors aren’t alligned, the layout image is off-skew and not fully showing (yet they said everything looked fine with the theme on their end)

I re-exported the them as HTML, which then it DOES look right, but in that way, there’s no fucking blog! (plus I had to edit every page with TT for the menu)

I tried it with Drupal (even though Drual is beyond me) and all I get is system errors. In the beginning I went with Artisteer (and now TT I guess) because seeing things is easier for me with the coding, but it looks like to keep WP, I may have to find a way to edit a WP theme, which means doing it by hand, which makes TT a waste of fucking money! (I didn’t lob Artisteer there because, it was a third of the price, and with the years I’ve used it, it’s been useful)

[edit] After enabling a TT theme, the colors/image is still all fucked up (down and and to the right and the colors not how I set them) And ALL you can see is THIS FUCKING POST.  Even if you click a different page in the menu [/edit]

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