
Been having problems with my laptop’s keyboard (number row at the top and the end key not working) so I contacted Dell. They troubleshooted all they could and scheduled a technician……..this is where it gets aggregating.

I told Dell I work 10:30-4 Monday-Fruday, but they said technicians come between 9-6 and Tuesday (today) the tech would call and set up a time convenient to my schedule.

Yes, he called, but I got the impression I needed to make it convenient for HIM! (He’s an hour and a half from me and 4:40 would be too late)

He said he’d call and see if someone closer to me had an opening … But when he called back, what he’d done was fill today up with appointments so I’d either have to miss work tomorrow or find SOMEBODY to be in the house at noon tomorrow (or possibly push the repair back to when I could be there at noon!

Thank you Scott for pissing me off all day

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