PHP is aggrevating!

I found out it was the PHP verson that wasn’t letting my artisteer themes show. If I change down to 7.4, artisteer themes show as they always did, but any PHP version higher than 7.4 gives error.

So then, I thought to myself, HEY! I could just switch to 7.4, then I could use BOTH Artisteer and TemplateToaster (but then I loaded a theme I made in TT…..error-city. Below are screencaps, the first is the TemplateToaster theme with PHP version 7.4, the second is the same theme selected, but with PHP updated to 8.3

I had though I could keep both theme makers installed an use them both since I spent so much money on them.  (the full version of Artisteer was $129, but I have used it for yeeeeeeeeeeears, so I feel it’s made it’s cost worthy. I like the ease of use with it, though some features I wish it had.  With TemplateToaster, it’s full version is $99 (still on sale). It’s more complicated, but some of it’s stylizing is better than Artisteer.

I have 2 current issues with TemplateToaster:
Above and below the blog posts is the word Navigation and nowhere in WP’s dashboard is there a way to turn that off (nor is there something in TT’s program either)
Comments are not possible (the Dahboard for WP has commenting on, and themes not made in TT allows them, but in TT themes, if you click the [leave a comment] link, it just reload’s the post

Now with Artisteer, the themes show up the way they should (and I don’t have to go through the rigamarole of importing content just to not truly import (since it’ll import TT default pages not my pages, then reselect the blog posts to show instead of a static page), but my only qualm here is (aside from not truly liking having to downgrade php verson) is how to access commenting. The visitor has to open the post page.   [Footnote: while typing this, I googled a way to add comments in Artisteer themes, I may have fixed it!!!!! If  my thinking’s right, I’ll keep both programs, yes, but Artisteer will be back to #1.  In hindsight, I did always want to try TT since Artisteer has NO customer support, and it can stay in my repertoire as a backup 😉

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