King’s Quest 2015

Note: In this game, different choices take different paths; you can get either Brave, Compassionate or Wise and likewise, in chapter 3 you can choose either princess to be Valanice. This walkthrough will just use one path (with some spots I may put all three routes; but I normally play in the Brave path)

Chapter 1: A Knight To Remember
Go to the well, lower the rope and go down into the well. Move the mattress, open the door and go through. Follow the path down and right. You will be presented with two wheels, spin the wheel on the right (the left one is a death sequence). Continue forward. Cross

Jump in the first bed that you can then continue forward. Cross the bridge then climb up the rope. Ignore the wheel on the left for now and take the path to the right. Take the boobietrapped handle and quickly jump into the bed. When the coast is clear, go to that wheel you ignored, add the handle to it and turn it. Cross the bridge to the doorway. Go down the ladder and carefully cross (stepping into the alcoves and hiding in beds when you need to) to the other side. Here you can approach the dragon for a death sequence (and achievement), or just climb up the ladder.

Go right to a skeleton (Achaka). Take the bow. Go left and use the bow. Cross the bridge.

The trick to the next part is to get the meat to the very far left to get the dragon to go there so you can take the mirror.

Touch the skeleton at the rope to free the rope then pull it to send the meat out. Ring the bell to call the dragon. When the meat goes to the very far left, spin the wheel and hope onto the new meat before it slides out. Climb off and go to the mirror. After the mirror scene, run back to the meat bed and use the crossbow to escape. Carefully run over the bridge. You’ll fall to the river, just follow the directional prompts that appear on the screen. If there’s a bed hanging from the ceiling, shoot it with your crossbow.

After escaping the river, you’ll be back in the room you started in with the door. The Dragon will appear and you’ll be given a choice (act quickly though) of your path: Bravery (shoot the dragon in the eye), Compassion (free the dragon by shooting the rope) or Wisdom (trick the dragon by shooting the bell). After that, Graham will climb out of the well.

The game will shift with old Graham telling his grand-daughter, Gwendolyn, a story that even pre-dates this part with the mirror. After Graham falls down the cliff and gameplay resumes, go right to where the bridge should be and you’ll see the parade of knight hopefuls! Turn around and take the path at the left. Follow the forest path and go down the small cliff. Go left to a tree and push into it to knock the toolbox down. Take the axe and return to the base of the cliff and cross the river by jumping from rock to rock.

Take the path at the left to a clearing. Talk to the merchant and when given the choice. select nope, then walk right to the tree. Use the axe to chop it down and cross it. Follow the path then climb up the wall. Here you can go into any of the three shops (the shop at the left is the blacksmith, the middle is the bakery and the right is the magic shop). Any of the shops will have an item that you can use as a replacement wheel for the merchant’s cart. (Blacksmith – shield, bakery – bread loaf, magic shop – table); also, you can choose whether or not to leave a coin as a tip. Note: if you leave a tip, all three doors will be unlocked later when you return to town, however if you do not leave a tip, when you return, that door will be locked and Graham will have to knock to gain entrance. Once you have procured a replacement wheel, return to the merchant and offer him the “wheel” and when you have the choice, choose no thanks, not really interestedPrice still seams really high to me; I’ll see if I can find a better deal at the tournament.

Here you need to get to the other side.

Walk down the path and take the right fork. Go to the rocks and cross, and jump into the water. After the guards get you out of the water, go to the tree with the beehive and push it to knock the hive out.

Go to the tree at the left and try to chop it down, but the big guy will knock it down, cross and knock the fallen tree into the water. Move to the right to the archer and try to shoot the rope to the other side, but Graham fails.

Return right to the water and try to cross the fallen try, but fail, then at the shore, use the axe on the fallen tree, then use the rope on the logs to make a raft. Use it to float to the other side of the river.

Talk to Manny, walk left and climb up the wall. Go inside the audition hall and Graham will be called up onto the stage. When given the choice, choose I didn’t hear about the date change.

Now we need to collect a little information about the other four contestants. First go left and talk to Acorn, leave him and go to the middle, talk to Whisper, then all the way right and talk to Achaka first. After talking to Achaka talk to Manny. Return to Acorn, then talk to Whisper again. Once you have talked to all four men each once and Acorn a second time, return to the stage and you can do the chivalry test.

    1. Manny
    2. Achaka
    3. Sir Water Harris Ignatius Sally Percival Eduardo Ramon Jr. The Third of Modesto
    4. Princess Madeline Of Avalon

The hideous beast eye is another way you choose your path.

  • Brave – Dragon Eye
  • Compassion – Bridge Troll
  • Wise – Pumpkin Lantern

Here I will list how to do each path. Keep in mind for any path you must have atleast one coin, if you don’t walk around until you locate a coin. Check out Coin Locations 

Bravery: Go to the village and enter the blacksmith shop. Talk to Amaya fully and ask about the weed whacker on the left wall, then buy it. Leave the shop and enter the woods. Go to the patch of spiniferous thornweeds and use the weed whacker on the bush. Continue forward to the well (yes that well), enter the well and follow Achaka.

When Achaka disappears to fight the dragon, follow the path and carefully scale the wall and go right. Run with Achaka and fall into a new area.  There are two phrases of Achaka’s language you’ll learn. Atta Nata = Yes/go/shoot; Stalama = No/stop.

The purpose of this puzzle is to get the rope to the dragon’s tail. When the rope is attached to the dragon’s tail, return to the door and ring the bell.

After it seems Graham and Achaka are home free, they cross paths with the dragon once more. (Note, you can choose Stalama here, where Achaka and Graham use the rope to escape, but this will grant you no eye, and for the eye of a hideous beast you need that eye. Select Affa Nata, Achaka will shoot the dragon in the eye, give the plucked eye to Graham and the dragon will slaughter poor brave Achaka.

Compassion: For this one, you will need to find a few things. You still need one coin, but also starberries, sugarshrooms and Olfie’s mouthpiece.

Take the right path and try to cross the bridge and you will meet Olfie (the troll this bridge is attached to). Olfie will nickname you by what you tell him.

If you tell him in fact you are a bridge troll, he will call you Bandicoot.

If you tell him you’ll return with food he’ll call you Bridge Goose (and sometimes Goosey)

If you tell him you have slain many monsters, he’ll call you Honey Bee.

Go to the village, walk down to exit and go left. You’ll see a guard with a fruit picker. Talk to him and leave the area and return. Take the fruit picker.

Follow the screens right and pick up a stray string of bells (you’ll need this later). Go right again and down into the hole. Take the sugar shrooms. Climb out and go right to the sign that reads don’t turn right, and turn right. Use the fruit picker to get the starberries.

Return to the village and go to the baker. Give the sugar shrooms, starberries and a gold coin to Wente. Ask about the free sample.

Leave the bakery and return to Olfie and ask about the horns. Give him the pie and at the eye presentation, use Olfie’s horn to call him.

Wisdom: For this path, aside from the coin, you also need meat, a badger, a pumpkin and to turn the pumpkin into a lantern.

Go to the northeast forest just past the King statue and go to the meat trap (it’s hanging above the hole the sugar shrooms grow in in the above method), take the meat. Head back to the arena, but stop at the shaking bush. Use the meat on the bush and take the badger.

Go to the pumpkin patch just outside of town and try to take the big one, then use the badger on the big pumpkin, then take it. Enter the village and go into the magic shop (on the right). Ask about the brewing potion, dip the pumpkin, then buy the lantern. At the eye presentation, hold eye the pumpkin lantern.

Travel the screens and collect any scattered coins. One of the screens will have you fighting goblins (you can not do this until after Achaka dies, since in the well he will teach Graham how to shoot). Once he’s free, demand your money.

Eavesdrop on the troll meeting to get the password, then go down to the door, do the secret knock (knock on the door, ring the bell in the tree twice, knock on the door again, then say Truss Me). When asked to offer whatever is used to call you, put the bells in the horn pile. You can choose anything in the questions, but I usually side with Olfie, when you can, agree with Waddles and say you’re leaving but INSTEAD of taking back your bell, snatch Waddles’ horn.

Go through the forest and on a boulder there’s a work order for Amaya’s Crumbler, take it.

Go to the magic shop and deliver the snoozing leaf from the Merchant.

Leave the village, go left one screen, down one screen and left one more screen. Use Waddles’ horn.

Go left and up to the pile of raisin croissants. Use the potion on them and when given the choice, tell Pillar to take a nap. Take her horn and leave.

Go to the floating island and use Olfie’s horn to cross, then climb up. Start the strength test. You need to pull Acorns rope and wind it around the posts. You will get caught and thrown over a few times. When you need to, use the horns to call either Pillar or Waddles. There’s three sections of Acorns rope before the end (blue, purple and red). After the red end is a knitted sock, and you need him to butt the posts away to make the island fall (think of his bull horns and TORRO!) Olfie will catch you, thus by by loophole, you win the trial of strength.

Afterwards, go left (by the big rock next to the sugar shroom hold) and give him the sock. Ask him to move the rock, take the blossom. Go to the bakery and trade the blossom for the free walnut strudel.

FGo back to the Don’t turn right sign, and take the left and up path, Use your lantern in the cave, go up and take the coin, go right and finally down. Here you’ll see poor Triumph caught in a trap! Place the Crumbler work order on the tree, leave the screen, and return. Talk to Triumph.

After winning the trial of speed, go to the tournament board and take Whisper’s portrait, then go to the frog pond (two screens south of the town). Try (unsuccessfully) to take a frog. Give the portrait to Whisper, he’ll autograph it and be your buddy. Talk to him fully, and ask him to catch a frog.

Return to the magic shop and give the frog to Chester & Muriel.

Go to the arena, when your path is blocked by squirrels, give the walnut strudel to Princess Madeline.

At the bridge, give the socks to the guard .

Enter the arena and start the final trial. If you keep losing to Manny, you CAN cheat (cheat a cheater), but the game will go one infinitely with Kyle and Larry knocking into the board when Manny wins until Graham wins.

When Manny loses, trade your last coin with any of the shop keepers for a weapon and defeat him.

Chapter 2: Rubble With A Cause
This chapter starts with a newly crowned King Graham seeing a vision of his future self in the mirror.

Convene with the guards, you will get a handful of questions, any answer gets the same result. Eventually, Graham will leave (talk to Kyle & Larry in passing) the throne room, talk to the female guard in the hall, then look at Achaka’s statue.

Leave the castle and head to the village. Try to enter any of the shops and be captured by the goblins,

When gameplay resumes, travel the dark room (I always go in a grid) until you collect the empty jar, then continue to the glowing lizard and use the jar to capture him. He will chirp and wake up all the other glowing lizards, which will light up the room.

Try to pull the lever next to the bed, but Graham is too tired to pull the bed down, so this just knocks the bucket down. Take the bucket and place it under the faucet, then turn the red wheel. Take the bucket of porridge to the table and pour it out on the purple placemat to eat.

Try the lever again to go to bed.

Awake in the morning and leave the room. The Goblins will task you with cleaning off all of the cobwebs. On the second level of the goblins’ world, talk to Wente, Amaya & Chester/Muriel. When you’ve gotten all of the cobwebs, the goblins will send you back to your cell.

Inside your cell, try to remove the golden screws from the pipe in the bottom left corner, then flip the lever to go back to bed. Each time you go to bed, the Goblins will come in and shake Graham upside down, looking for any contraband.

Note: Each time Graham sleeps and awakens, it’ll be a new day, and Graham will look out his cell door and a goblin will bring him a leg of meat; also, I want to mention here you can’t save all of the characters, you kinda have to choose between Bramble & Mr. Fancycakes [both need medicine and there’s only one dose available to buy], , but the character/characters taken away on a stretcher don’t die, they’re taken to a goblin infirmary for nutrition and rest)

Eat the meat and check the mirror, try to remove the golden screws from the pipe in the lower left corner (since you’re at 2/3 health, you can only remove 2 screws, so we have to wait until Graham’s at full health for that last screw). Leave the room and go all the way up to the third floor. Lift the lever and put the spider web on it and hide.

Go through the doorway and check the weeds in the middle.

Take the right path, then up to talk to the merchant. You don’t have any coins yet, so select bye to leave.

Go past the kitchen and contine right and take the sword. Go back to the weed ladder and take the left path and continue left (you can’t open the door until the end, it takes two people). Go to the flies by the outhouses to (unsuccessfully) take one. Go right one screen and climb the stairs.

You can open this door. Skip the little pea door for now (you need to gather some information for this room yet).

Go through the green curtains and watch the stage for a moment. Go forward to the backstage area. The trick here is to get Graham to fall down the trap door. Move the boulder to the darkened trap at the bottom, when its there, move Graham to the trap door at the top. When he falls through, you will leave with the frog in your inventory.

Go to the second level and lower both draw bridges. Take the right path and give the frog to Chester & Muriel. Chester will lick the frog, but Muriel will give the frog back to Graham (which is good because the frog has a use).

Go up to where you saw the flies flying around the outhouses and use the frog to catch a fly. Return to Chester & Muriel, and give the fly to them. Take the potion.

Head up to the top level and pour the weed potion on the weed ladder. Go back down to the second level and head left to check on Amaya. Give her the sword. Choose one of the guards for her to slash at (the one on the left gets you the key to get the flour, which is the way this walkthrough follows, and the one on the right gets you a gold coin). You will be ushered back to your room and searched for contraband. Go to bed.

The next morning, awaken and get a leg of meat. This day you need to collect a coin to buy the medicine, then choose either Bramble (the way this walkthrough follows) or Mr. Fancycakes (Mr. Fancycakes’ cell is across the hall from Graham) to give it to.

Leave your room and go next door to the room with the small door at the base. Feed the leg of meat to the giant rat. He will now not be a problem. Open the trunk and take the chair (note: when you collect contraband, you can hide it in this trunk from the goblins).

Go up to the top level and climb the weed ladder. Take the coin on the ledge & look at the pictures. Pick the chunder blossom growing right. Look at the little cage at the left, if you do get caught with contraband, the goblins will store it here (if that happens, you need to buy the chopsticks from the merchant (one coin) and use them to pick the lock.

Now that you have the coin you need for the medicine, go see the merchant and buy the medicine. Leave the merchant and go right to the kitchen (the locked door). Use the key to unlock the door. Inside, take the sack of flour and the book page with a heart on it.

Go to the second floor, to the rocking horse just left of Chester & Muriel’s cell. Use the chair to climb up and take the coin. Continue left to check on Bramble & Wente. Give Bramble the medicine. Give Wente the chair then the sack of flour. Go to your room and eat the sweetycake. Remove the last screw in the pipe in the lower left corner. Follow the pipe to the big pile of hay. Take the coin from the bucket. then play the music box along the right wall. You may have to click the upper left knob a couple times, you need to get it to play the soft lullaby, then make a note of the notes (I order them left to right).  Leave the way you came, then go to the top level. Go to see the merchant and buy the bowl of porridge.  Go to the area you got the frog from, and go into the room that has the pea on the door. Play with the knobs on this music box until it plays the lullaby and the goblin on top of the tall stack of mattresses falls asleep, then take the pea from between the mattresses. Leave the room and go forward. Turn the wheel to open the door.

Take the left path and watch the goblins re-enact the glass slipper scene from Cinderella. Go to the left edge and see the glass slipper on the very low weed. Pour the rest of your weed growing potion on the weeds (this can not be done until the glass slipper of thrown over the edge).

Go down and take the right path. Follow it through the door and to growing roses. Take a rose and leave. Every time you come across a water station, dip the rose into the water to revive it (you have to do this four times between here and Chester & Muriel’s cell (the first being at the fork between here and the left where the glass slipper is, the second being where the flies are at the outhouses, the third is the drawbridges outside Chester & Muriel’s, Wente & Bramble’s & Amaya’s cells, and the final one inside Chester & Muriel’s cell).

Give the flower to Chester and Muriel. Talk to them then go to your cell and sleep.

Go to Wente & Bramble’s cell and give them the porridge then the chunder blossom.

Go to Chester & Muriel’s cell and give them the leg of meat then the pea. Take the boom bomb & go to the area with the goblins playing Cinderella. Take the glass slipper from the fine at the left, go all the way right to the goblin sweeping and give her the glass slipper. Take the broom she leaves behind and go left. Use the boom bomb on the fireplace. Follow the tunnel to a wall of story pages, take the one with a sword on it. Go down then return and enter the pipe the big goblin had opened and follow it to the bolt cutters (be careful, these are contraband). Leave the way you came.

Return to the bottom level and hide the  bolt cutters in the trunk in the rat’s room.

Go to the second level and visit Amaya and give her the broom.

The next day, go to the rat’s room and take the bolt cutters from the trunk then go to the top level to the merchant and buy the chop sticks.

Go to Amaya’s cell and give her the leg of meat. & talk to her. Ho to the last guard and give him the poisoned sweetycake. Cut off Amaya’s lock Note: you can choose any of the townsfolk here.

You will automatically go to that big door with two levers and both Graham and Amaya will lift the levers to open it. Here you need to hop from stump to stump (like that puzzle with Achaka in chapter 1)

left – left – forward – left – right – forward – forward – direct Amaya.
left – right – forward – left – right – forward – direct Amaya.
left – rightleftrightleft – right – forward – direct Amaya one last time.

When gameplay resumes, go all the way right and use the baby dragon on the lamp.

Follow the path into the goblins’ library. Read the book on the pedestal. There are two golden books, one on the left and one on the right. Look at both of them then go through the open shelf section.

In the story for the goblin king, choose Amaya, Outsmarted A Quizzical GriffinHeartAdventurer’s Cap, and Sword Page. Watch the ending!

Chapter 3: Once Upon A Climb
Walk completely right and take the shovel. Go left to the trellis and move it left, then continue back left to the starting point. Use the shovel at the left rock and get a spiniferous thorn weed seed, use the shovel at the center rock and there’s no treasure there. At the center rock, plant the spiniferous thorn weed seed. Go immediately right to the right rock and use the shovel to get an acorn. Return to the left rock and plant the acorn.

Follow the path right to the tree with the family of owls. If you put the trellis and the seeds all in the correct spots, this tree will block the badger’s path (and then the badger can’t steal one of the babies).

In the castle dining room, go to the table and take the peas, napkin and leg of meat. Go left and take the coatrack, then return right to Triumph’s bowl. Put the peas in his bowl then the leg of meat. Go right and while the guard is refilling the peas, take the rug. Walk along the table and take the three townsfolk photos from the chairs.

On the end chair, add the coatrack, rug, napkin and any of the portraits to create a dinner guest.

When Graham’s story begins, go all the way forward to the tower. Try (unsuccessfully) the door first, then go around the right side and climb up the tower. You will also go around and up until you get to the landing.

After entering the room and gameplay resumes, talk to both girls (it doesn’t really matter which you talk to first), but please note this episode/chapter is when you choose, by choices, which of these two princesses becomes Valanice; if you show preference to Neese and will be playing more of a compassionate role, talk to her first, however if you show preference to Vee and play more of a wise/strong role, talk to Vee first).

Note: Neese has longer light brown hair, Vee has darker brown almost black hair that is rolled up and looks almost like it’s cut in a bob.

Most times, I personally choose Neese because she reminds me more of Rosella, but Vee is just as easily believed to be Valanice since she’s so similar to Alexander.

Another side-note: It really doesn’t matter which mode of the game you play to which princess you choose. I almost always play going the Brave route, but you can easily still choose Neese with that mode too.

Now, back to the gameplay! Follow the girls’ direction during the quake (the last item you have to steady you choose between an item that belongs to each girl).

When the tower is no longer shaking, it’s pick up time. You have to pick up three things belonging to each princess (the third item of each Princess doesn’t appear until the other two is put away). After picking up the items, talk to the princesses to find where you should put eacj item.
Purple Book

Game of Wits
Crossword Book

There are two ways to get the vase (one favoring each princess). To favor Neese, when you put her bongos away, take the acorn then offer the acorn to the squirrel so he’ll knock the vase where Graham can reach it. However, to favor Vee, when you put her nunchucks in the cabinet next to her, take the spiked weapon and use it to drag the vase until it’s within reach.

Graham needs to hide so Hagatha doesn’t see him. Hide in Vee’s weapon cabinet. When you can, get out and try to sneak around the room slowly in a clock-wise direction. After Neese accidentally knocks over the painting Graham is hiding behind, Hagatha will see Graham, thinking he’s another Princess.

You can easily choose either remark, neither gives a bad result.

When gameplay resumes, Graham will play a choices game with the princesses. The object is to win by matching answers with either princess.

After the game, the princesses will go to bed and Graham can do a little snooping.

Go to Hagatha’s room by the way of the table/elevator in the middle of the room.

Graham will hide and watch the scene with Hagatha and her magic canvas. Look at the bottles on the vanity table, then look at the clock next to the magic canvas, then look at the magic canvas itself. The canvas will take the appearance of a younger version of whatever’s in front of it. Use all three portraits in your inventory on the canvas.

Go to the door to the left of Hagatha’s bed and move the hands to match the shadowed position 3:50, then click the gold button to the bottom left of the clockface.

Go through the door and hide, after the scene with Hagatha and the princesses, go through that door as well.  Talk to both princesses and return to the clock portal room. Use one of the portraits n the clockface on the floor, this will transport you back to Daventry (temporarily). You’ll see the old tournament board from Chapter 1, take Manny’s portrait.

Now enter town and go see any of the residents. Each resident will give you a different item to help your quest:
Amaya – Wrench
Wente – Recipe
Acorn (now running a craft shop where Muriel and Chester’s magic shop once was) – Blanket

When you’re back in Hagatha’s room, use Manny’s portrait on the canvas and return to the princesses’ room.

Go to whichever princess you’re choosing and offer the item you got from town. Note: If you went to Wente and got the recipe, you’ll have to go to the fireplace and make the pancakes.

After helping the princess, you have a task to perform with her. If you chose Vee, you complete her puzzlebox with her, if you chose Neese she teaches you how to play her lute. Note: the task might change by mode/princess, this walkthrough is written by mostly chosing Brave, getting the wrench from Amaya, (which is how I normally play), and by choosing Neese, though I did speak to Vee first.

After the next night’s sleep, watch the cutscene between Hagatha and Mordon (okay…let’s jus start calling him by his more known name that’s later revealed — Mordack!)

Next is the dancing. This is very simple, follow the directions until Graham and his princess walk off and you can choose which dance steps you do.

After the next night’s sleep, Graham will be sent by Hagatha on a solo mission.

You will be transported to the well caves of the Dragon (from Chapter 1). Check everything out in this room then try to leave to the left, then hide in the bed.

After the present-day cut-scene, Graham, Vee and Neese will all be in Hagatha’s transport clock room.

There are two missions one Graham goes with Vee and the other he goes with Neese and the order of which is first and which is second alters by choices in the game, but this walkthrough follows the path of Graham & Vee first, then Graham & Neese second.

Graham and Vee
You will arrive on the beach of Tanalore. They meet Chester & Muriel, who after retiring their magic shop moved here. Talk to them fully and Muriel will give Graham Hagatha’s book (no mention of what kind of book this is, but I always assumed it was a magic book). Continue inland and Graham will get stuck in quicksand. You need to collect an umbrella, buckets and a wheel onto the skeleton. Grab the wheel and umbrella then use the umbrella to take the buckets, then on the skeleton first use the umbrella, then the wheel and finally the buckets then click the contraption to make it spin. This puzzle is pointless, just a time passer while Vee rescues Graham.

There are two ways to drop the draw bridge, the easy way (right) or the hard way (left).
Easy – go right and just crank the wheel until the  bridge is all the way down.
Hard (this gets you more thoughtful points with Vee) – go left and you have to use the gears between the gaps between the four layers to raise the weight to lower the bridge.

In the rock clearing, Graham and Vee shoot arrows at the goblins.

The slider/puzzle box is similar to the one Vee has in the tower. Graham moves the horizontal pieces and Vee moves the vertical ones so that the piece with the hourglass comes up to the top and then Graham and Vee can take it. When this is completely done, they will be transported back to the tower.

Graham and Neese
Graham and Neese will be sent to the Avalon forest in search for the golden acorn. Fall down the cliff, and use your keyboard arrows to move Graham left and right to clear a path through the thorns for Neese.

At the sight of the wolf you can choose whether or not to have Graham shoot the wolf, either way the wolf leaves and doesn’t attack (if you don’t shoot it, you show Neese your compassion).

Graham and Neese must build a cart to fly across the chasm to get to the other side. Choose items in this order:
Use the vine in your inventory on the broken table, then select that table.

After each choice, when you go back right to the log, you use that item on the log to place it.

In the room with the acorn, you have to play Neese’s lute to unlock the acorn’s cage. Labeling the lute strings top to bottom 1-5, click:
3 – 4 – 5
5 – 4 – 3
1 – 4 – 3 – 4 – 1
3 – 4 – 5 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 4 – 2

After the cutscene with Neese, Whisper will appear. Talk to him fully, and create a little poem (you can choose any of the answers for each part).

Use the table/elevator and go down to Hagatha’s bedroom. and look at the clock. Use the hand that Whisper gave you, then go to the magic canvas. Use Hagatha’s book (that you got from Muriel in Tanalore) on the canvas to reveal the correct time for the clock 10:20.

At the clock, move the hands to read 10:20, then click the round gold button at the bottom right and take Hagatha’s box of memories.

Go left to Hagatha’s clock portal room and knock on the door and talk to Hagatha. Give her the box of memories and when you can, choose Love Yourself then give her the poem you wrote with Whisper.

Stepping outside with Hagatha triggers the end chapter sequence. It may take a long time and many tries, just be patient and give it time. There’s no easy or quick way to write through this. You have to race the frost tonic up the tower, going up a spiral six levels before you can jump onto the rope. Climb up the rope to the landing and watch the ending sequence.

Chapter 4: Snow Place Like Home

At the start of Chapter 4, you awake to find King Graham is the father of twin babies. At the bottom of the bed, you will notice a chest. Grab the ‘Cloth Diaper’ and ‘Baby Formula’ from on top of it.

Walk to the table at the bottom right of the room, and use ‘Baby Formula’ from your inventory on the bottles. Use ‘Ice Cold Baby Bottle’ on the fireplace next to the table. When the bottle turns a yellowish colour, quickly remove it to find it is now the perfect temperature.

Head to the top of the screen where the babies are, and zoom in on the blonde baby in a blue blanket. Press the button on the musical mobile to put her back to sleep.

Now head over to the baby wrapped in a green blanket and press cn_A for a short dialogue to find out he needs his nappy changed. It is important you talk to your baby in the green blanket at least once during this first scene. Use ‘Cloth Diaper’ from your inventory on your son.

Walk back over to the left and zoom in on the baby in the blue blanket. Click on her to find out she is hungry. Use ‘Warmed Baby Bottle’ from your inventory. Repeatedly tap cn_A to burp your daughter.

Back to the black haired baby in the green blanket. Zoom in on him and press the button on the musical mobile to pick the baby up. Continuously walk around the room avoiding the toys and Graham will sing a lullaby.

After the cutscene you will be in the woods. Run forwards and notice a dialogue option appears on the bottom right of the screen. Keep moving forwards, and use the dialogue options as they appear.

After talking to Valanesse, follow the path and you will notice a Hole to your left. Peer down it, then continue along the path. There will be a further two holes for your to peer into. On the third hole, you will enter the goblin room from Chapter 3. Look for your son behind the Bookshelves, in some Hay and finally in the Bed.

During the cutscene, we will see that a lot of years have passed, and Rosella, your daughter, is all grown up. She will challenge you to a staring contest.

It is highly important during this Chapter that we exhaust all dialogue options with Alexander for a later achievement. As soon as you have control, talk to Alexander 3 times in a row.

Click on the Statue standing behind you. All the treasures will be different depending on your previous game choices. Click on the Trophy to your left, and finally the Gems on your right.

After entering the village talk to Alexander once more, then choose a Villager to visit. Depending on your previous choices, some of the villagers may not be a valid option.

Bravery – Amaya the Blacksmith is the door on your left. Amaya’s gift to you is a Golden arrow.
Compassion – The Faye’s Bakery is the door in the middle. Wente’s gift to you is his secret Starshroom repice.
Wisdom – Acorns Craft store up the stairs to your right. Acorn’s gift is a Mystery box from the Hobblepots.

Time to test your Tetris skills. We have to fit all the family’s luggage inside the cart/caravan. Each piece of luggage will slot in to a specific place.


Image 1


Whilst we’re in the caravan, Graham will suggest we play a memory game. In order to win, you have to remember a list. The list is created by one person adding an item to it each time, then repeating what the previous people said.

You can choose any answers you like but remember to write them down as you go, the list gets a bit lengthy. Unfortunately the answers your family give also change every game, therefor giving you a list wouldn’t be very helpful.

We should now be carrying the luggage. Continue along the path once more. When you reach the Ice Tower talk to the ‘Ice Guard’ on the right to check in.

Before we go any further, be sure to talk to Alexander and the rest of your family. Carry on up the central isle towards the stairs, and you’ll be trapped.

Investigate the locked chest to your left, the Xylophone, and the door with a lot of handles. Walk all the way right to the next room for a cutscene.

Talk to Alexander, exhaust the dialogue by speaking to him 7 times in a row. The first puzzle we come to is a simple maze. Walk to the bottom right corner of the room to see a purple crystal formation, you must start from this point. The path from here is as follows:


Image 23


  • Forwards
  • Left
  • Forwards
  • Right
  • Forwards
  • Left
  • Downwards
  • Right
  • Downwards
  • Left
  • Forwards
  • Right
  • Forwards and through the door

After entering the next room, talk to Alexander

We aren’t finished speaking to Alexander yet, as there is still a dialogue achievement to unlock later. Make sure to talk to Alexander 2 more times before starting the puzzle. You can also speak to the ice guard, but it isn’t essential.

In front of us is a maze. Some of the lines are hidden by snow, which means you have to do some guess work. Walk to the bottom left of the screen to activate the puzzle and follow path below:


Image 2


  • Forwards
  • Right
  • Forwards
  • Right
  • Forwards
  • Right
  • Forwards
  • Left
  • Downwards
  • Left
  • Forwards
  • Right
  • Forwards

Speak to Alexander another 7 times. Even when he doesn’t respond, keep going until the dialogue option is gone.

During this next maze, Icicle clusters will block your path. Be very careful not to nudge into them or they will kill you and reset the puzzle. The purple line in this section is invisible but it still needs to be followed. Otherwise opening the door will kill you.


Image 3


Start the puzzle from the the bottom right corner where the purple triangle is.

  • Walk forwards and then left.
  • Walk forwards again past three Icicle clusters.
  • Turn right, walk out of the lit square and walk around the fourth cluster in front of you.
  • Walk downwards back into the lit square and then immediately left
  • Walk downwards and immediately left.
  • Walk downwards once more then continue left back into the dark part of the room.
  • Walk straight ahead and exit through the door.

After entering the next room, speak to Alexander 8 times in a row. Return to the console in the centre of the room. For this puzzle, we have to rearrange the stone blocks to make a bridge. The bridge should have a continuous straight purple line for us to walk across.

*Tip* To solve this puzzle, think of the two blank stones as being joined. Where one goes the other must follow!


Image 5


  • Block 1: Moves left two spaces and upwards into the recess.
  • Block 2: Moves all the way to the right four spaces.
  • Block 3: Moves upwards one space and three spaces to the right next to stone block 2.
  • Block 1: Moves down one space, left two spaces and downwards once into it’s final place.
  • Blocks 2 and 3: Move all the way back to the left to match the picture below.


Image 4


Now repeat the process.

  • Block 4: Moves forwards one space, left two spaces and upwards into the recess.
  • Block 2: Moves all the way to the right three spaces.
  • Block 3: Moves three spaces to the right next to stone block 2.
  • Block 4: Moves down one space and left two spaces into place to complete the bridge.

Upon entering the next room, exhaust Alexander’s dialogue options by speaking to him 5 times in a row. Stand at the console to the left of the room.

*Tip* The stone blocks slide in this puzzle so in order to stop them we must block them with another stone block.


Image 6


  • Block 1: Moves up and to the right.
  • Block 3: Moves to the right and up.
  • Block 2: Moves to the right.
  • Block 3: Moves down, to the left and up.
  • Block 4: Moves downwards and left.

In the next room you will be confronted by a pack of wolves. Stay close behind Alexander and follow the directions he gives you.

Graham will give Alexander his present. You will then have to tell Alexander when to shoot. However, he won’t be able to hit the target no matter how accurate you are.

In this next puzzle we have to fire an arrow at one of the switches which will raise the platform it’s connected to. Alexander will then pull a lever on the bridge connected to the platform you just raised.

In order to proceed we need Alexander to pull the lever on every bridge once. Be careful! You can’t backtrack, once the lever is pulled on that bridge you won’t be able to cross it again.

*Tip* To solve this this puzzle think of each triangle area as three separate route.

Firstly follow the white route. Next follow the red route. Finally follow the green route.


Image 7


The White route:

  • Fire at the 1st switch to start
  • Fire at the 2nd switch.
  • Fire at the 3rd switch.
  • Fire at the 4th switch.
  • Fire at the 2nd switch once more to be back in the middle.

The Red route:

  • Fire at the 5th switch.
  • Fire at the 4th switch.
  • Fire at the 1st switch.

The Green route:

  • Fire at the 5th switch to end the puzzle. Follow the bridge to the next room.

Before we start the sliding tile puzzle speak to Alexander 11 times. Then head to the console on the right of the screen.

This puzzle involves sliding around the tiles to create a bridge out of the purple lined blocks. The Icicles in the middle are our biggest obstacle to overcome. However, half way through Alexander will remove them for us.

*Tip* In order to solve this puzzle, think about each shape and its limitations e.g. The L shaped block can only fit in a space with an empty space to the left of it. The only block that can pass by the Icicles is the singular block.

Block reference: (Incase you forget which block is which)

Block 1 = The single block.
Block 2 = The block with the purple line to the right side.
Block 3 = The block with the purple line to the left side.
Block 4 = The upside down ‘L’ shaped block.


Image 16


  • Block 2: Moves one space to the left.
  • Block 4: Moves two spaces upwards.
  • Block 3: Moves two spaces to the right.
  • Block 2: Moves one space down.
  • Block 1: Moves one space down and then one space to the right.
  • Block 2: Moves one space up.
  • Block 3: Moves two spaces to the left.
  • Block 1: Moves to the bottom of the Icicles for a cutscene. (One space down, one space right, two spaces down and one space to the left).


Image 17


  • Block 4: Moves three spaces downwards.
  • Block 3: Moves two spaces to the right, two spaces upwards and one space to the left.
  • Block 4: Moves one space up and two spaces to the left.
  • Block 1: Moves one space to the left.

Complete the puzzle and talk to Alexander 5 more times before exiting the room.

After entering the new room talk to Alexander 5 times.

Thankfully we don’t need to speak to him again. The next puzzle is two cubes that must be rolled into the purple holes at the other end of the room. If you mess up you can reset the puzzle by using the console. But be aware using the console will reset both cubes to their original spots.

*Tip* Think of the puzzle as two cubes that have to mirror each others movements.

The solution is as follows:


Image 8


The ‘Straight lined cube’ should be rolled:

  • Left one space.
  • Forward one space.
  • Left one space.
  • Forward for two spaces into the purple hole.

The ‘Circle lined cube’ should be rolled:

  • Forward one space. (This is to align it to where the first cube started but on the other side of the board).
  • Right one space.
  • Forward one space.
  • Right one space.
  • Forward for two spaces into the purple hole.

Follow the purple line and enter the door straight ahead to be in a room full of staircases.

After the cutscene walk straight ahead through the dark entrance for a cutscene. We should now be in a multi-story room. Enter the downstairs door first.

Notice the puzzle on the wall reflects a path on to the puzzle on the ground. Pull the lever to the right of the room to begin.

Firstly lets collect the two puzzle pieces on the left puzzle. They will be put into your inventory. Now collect the seven puzzle pieces on the right hand puzzle.

You need to make a path starting with one of the three bottom triangles and ending at the top middle square. However you only have a limited amount of pieces to use, and the right puzzle has to be an exact mirror image of the left puzzle.

*Tip* You may find it easier to put one piece down on the right, then match it on the left side and continue until you have two paths. Take note you can only use 4 tiles per side. Two curved and Two straight.


Image 15


Pull the lever to raise the wall and follow the purple path to the door. Collect ‘Lower Half of Badger Statue’.

Follow the path leading up the stairs. Talk to the ice guard if you wish, but it isn’t essential. Proceed through the door to the top room.

Notice we have a maze in front of us. The red blocks are obscuring the path and must be moved to reveal the purple line beneath. Stand behind the console at the right of the screen to move them.

*Tip* When you begin to move the blocks you will notice they slide. You will have to use them to block each other’s paths.


Image 14


  • Block 1: Moves to the left.
  • Block 2: Moves up, to the right and up once more.
  • Block 1: Moves to the right.
  • Block 3: Moves up, to the left, up again and to the right.
  • Block 1 and 2: Both move down.
  • Follow the purple path leading to the door and collect ‘Upper Half of Badger Statue’.

Follow the path back down the stairs and stop at the Green Plinth. On the plinth use ‘Lower Half of Badger Statue’, and ‘Upper Half of Badger Statue’ from your inventory.

Walk through the door to the right and we will be back at the tile puzzle. Except this time we don’t have Alexander to help us out.

*Tip* This puzzle is nearly the same as a previous one but you may notice the blocks are in different positions. However, the same rules apply as to the positioning of each block.

Block reference: (Incase you forget which block is which)

Block 1 = The single block.
Block 2 = The block with the purple line to the right side.
Block 3 = The block with the purple line to the left side.
Block 4 = The upside down ‘L’ shaped block.


Image 21


  • Block 2: Moves one space to the left.
  • Block 4: Moves two spaces forwards.
  • Block 3: Moves two spaces right.
  • Block 2: Moves two spaces downwards.
  • Block 1: Moves one space down and one space right.
  • Block 3: Moves two spaces left.
  • Block 1: Moves one space down, one space right, two spaces downwards and two spaces left.


Image 22


  • Block 4: Moves two spaces downwards.
  • Block 3: Moves one space upwards, one space right and another space up.
  • Block 4: Moves one space up and two spaces right.

This next puzzle plays out over three levels. Notice the top level has 4 guards with shields and 4 potential starting arrows. Walk all the way to the top left corner and climb down the Red rocks.

Climb to the right and land on the second floor. This floor has tiles that can be turned to make a path. Notice the shadows of the guards from the above floor. To turn each stone all you have to do is stand on it. This can be a hindrance, so when we get to the solution make sure you work backwards!

Jump back up to the Red rocks and climb down onto the first floor. Notice another set of guards, a lot like the ones on the top floor. Here you are able to change the angle of their shields. When you turn a guard on this level it turns the same one on the top level.

Starting from the first floor (the bottom level) move the shields so they clear a path towards the exit. This will change how the shadows are cast on to the maze tiles above us.

*Tip* Every shield must be angled so that an arrow could bounce from one to the other and hit the end target.


Image 18


Use the Red rocks to climb up to the second floor. Enter the maze via the bottom left opening. Then walk all the way to the top side of the maze. The exit to the door is situated where the top left tile is. This will be our starting point, from here move the tiles accordingly to match the picture below.

*Tip* Please remember that the rocks that block your path on this level aren’t on the top level. So if they block the purple path on this level it doesn’t matter.


Image 19


Climb back up to the third level using the Red rocks. Starting from the second purple arrow press cn_A when you reach the first statue to make your way across the ice board.

You will now enter the riddle room. Answer the riddles by finding the correct object.

Riddle One: I have a head but no arms to flail. I have no legs, yet I have a tail. What am I?
Answer: A Coin.

Take the ‘Coin’ from the bottom left table. Walk through either of the archways and you will see a small plinth. Place the ‘Coin’ from your inventory on top of it. Exit through the door in front of you.

Riddle Two: Every morning a noggin I shed and every evening I regain my head. What am I?
Answer: A Pillow.

Take the ‘Pillow’ from the top left table and place it on the plinth in the other room. Exit through the door in front of you.

Riddle Three: I come in different colours. I come in different shapes. Some parts of me are round. Some parts of me are straight. Our picture can be clear, but we love to obfuscate. What am I?
Answer: Jigsaw Puzzle Piece.

Take the ‘Jigsaw Puzzle Piece’ from the top right table and place it on the plinth in the other room. Exit though the door in front of you.

Riddle Four: I’m fit for a King, and taste very sweet. Thick or thin served for breakfast. Graham’s favourite treat. What am I?
Answer: Pancakes

If you look around you will notice their is no pancakes. However we do have both a ‘Pan’ and a ‘Cake’. Collect the ‘Pan’ from the bottom right table. You can only carry one item at a time. Place the ‘Pan’ on the plinth in the other room. Collect the ‘Cake’ from the top right table and put it on the plinth next to the pan. Exit through the door in front of you.

Riddle Five: What am I? I’m higher than the shining stars and greater than any land or sea. What’s the one thing that’s worth breaking the bonds of family.
Answer: Nothing

Exit through the door in the next room one last time.

This next puzzle is a maze. All the directions you need to know are on the stone slabs around you. The solution is shown in the picture below.


Image 13


  • Forwards one square.
  • Right two squares.
  • Forwards one square.
  • Left two squares.
  • Forward one square.
  • Right three squares.
  • Down one square.
  • Right one square.
  • Forward three squares.
  • Left one square.
  • Down one square.
  • Left three square.
  • Forward one square.
  • Right two squares.
  • Forward one square.

Follow the path upwards and look at the ice sculptures as you go. Eventually you will reach the Gallery. After the cutscene you will be imprisoned in the Carving room.

View the sculpture on your left. Continue clockwise and notice the frozen people. Walk clockwise once more and notice the carving desk. Finally view the pillar in the middle of the room for another cut scene.

Repeatedly press cn_A to snap your fingers and eventually create a fireball! Now that we are back up top the Sphinx challenges you to shoot him. Aim for his mouth. Unfortunately it will catch the arrow between its teeth.

We are reunited with our family. You will be stood next to a wall with Rosella. Grab the vine on the left side to start the puzzle. Move Graham:

  • Up twice
  • Right once
  • Up twice
  • Right once
  • Up twice
  • Left once
  • Right once
  • Up twice
  • Right twice
  • Down once
  • Up twice
  • Left once
  • Up twice

After reaching the top proceed through the door to the next puzzle room. You might remember this game from Chapter 1. This version is life sized and more predictable.


Image 20


  • Shield 1: Moves left and is rotated left.
  • Shield 2: Moves right and forwards one space.
  • Shield 3: Moves forwards one space.
  • Valanice: Moves right three spaces, forwards one space. Left two spaces and forwards.
  • Shield 3: Keep rotating shield three until the Knight (horse) is directly in front of it.
  • Shield 3: Moves left and Valanice will automatically shot the knight
  • Valanice: Moves forward one space. Moves right, then forward through the door.

During the cutscene you will be guiding Alexander’s bow, once again aim his arrow towards the mouth of Sphinx.

Back to the first room! Notice the table directly behind you, this is where we will put our clues. Our first clue is to the far left. It is clutched in the hand of a frozen person.

Notice the chest from earlier but we still need a code to unlock it. Walk right to the second room, next to the door you will see a stone table with a board on it.

The clue: Remove four matchsticks and you will see the answer lies is triangles of three.


Image 11


This gives us the number to open the chest. Go back to the previous room and rotate the numbers to read 1-4-6 on the padlock. Then press the round grey button next to the numbers to release the lock.

Talk to Valanice, who is stood at the Xylophone next to you. Give her ‘Paper with a Sequence of 7 Colours on it’ from your inventory.

Walk right to Alexander and receive ‘Extra Puzzle Piece (with Purple Heart)’.


Image 10


Notice the door with a lot of handles on it to your left. Zoom in on the door. Only two of the handles are connected turn both to get another clue.

Return to the table and place your two clues on top of it. Notice that certain images link to certain letters. Time to work out the word!

Scattered through out the two rooms are small pictures with numbers printed on them.

Starting from the right room where the triangle puzzle was, look for Picture 1.
Clue: The sign doesn’t need to be read. All you have to do is shake your head.
This one is self explanatory. After shaking your head you should see the image of a ‘Horse Shoe’.

Also in this room is Picture 2.
Clue 1:Turn the painting of the arrow directly under the Picture 2 notice it is now pointing right.


Image 12


Clue 2: On the other wall opposite the painting we just turned is another turntable painting. Notice this one now faces left.
Look at the painting between the two to see a arrow pointing to an ‘Hourglass’.

We already know Picture 3 is the spare Jigsaw piece in our inventory from Alexander. If you look at it you will see the image on it is a ‘Purple Heart’.

Picture 4 is the one above Valanice.
Clue: Make her play the Xylophone to hear her play Twinkle twinkle little star. Giving us our final symbol, a ‘Star’.

Time to piece it all together, return to the table with the clues on. Follow the lines that connect the symbols to there corresponding letters.


Image 9


We have our code! Find your way to the purple arrow and follow the trail to the door. Enter the code ‘LOVE’ on to the padlock and press the grey button on the top right corner. Exit through the door to leave the Ice Tower.

Chapter 5: The Good Knight
The final Chapter of the kings quest starts out with Graham telling Gwendolyn he has one last adventure in him yet. After the cutscene we will be in the Castle. Have a look around and talk to your wife before heading right, out of the door.

Follow the hallway and notice the Achaka statue to your right.

Continue walking along the path and over the bridge. Keep going left through the new rose garden until you reach a bell. Ring it.

Gwendolyn will tell us we are remembering the memory wrong, when prompted choose ‘Horn’. Olfie will appear but his back is on fire.

Notice the path heading right, behind the horn. Follow the path and climb down the ladders. Continue right and enter the gate to the Trolls meeting.

You’ll soon find out they aren’t actually there. When prompted to choose what is there say ‘Bridge Troll memorial’. Interact with the statues of Pillar and Waddles.

Exit through the gate then immediately turn around 180 degrees to enter though the same gate. The statues will disappear and you should have the choice to give another answer. This time choose ‘Sandbox for the children’. Interact with the sandbox and take the ‘Empty bucket’ from the inner edge.

Exit through the gate then immediately turn 180 degrees and enter through the same gate one last time. When asked what is built there, choose ‘Commemorative fountain’. Walk up to the fountain and use ‘Empty bucket’ from your inventory.

Return to Olfie by exiting the gate, following the path left, climbing the ladder and continuing left until you reach the area with the horn.

Cross the bridge, when you reach the fire use ‘Bucket full of water’. Continue all the way over the bridge for a cutscene.

Follow the path straight ahead of you towards the fire. You may of noticed that our thumb sticks have now become inverted. So you need to push them in the opposite direction of where you want to go. E.g. Up is down, right is left.

You need to save Grahams treasures before they are burnt. Try not to get to close to the fire as it will kill you.


Image 14


The Shield

  • Walk straight forward and pick up the shield.
  • Walk straight back to return the treasure.

The Trophy

  • Walk forward towards the statue and round to its the right.
  • Exit through the gap between the two stone walls.
  • Walk left then enter back into the statue area through the next gap.
  • Walk down towards the burning log before turning left and grabbing the trophy.
  • Return the way we just came.
  • Walk right and entering the statue area via the small gap net to the log.
  • Walk forward and straight out the top gap.
  • Continue right and enter via the next gap in the wall.
  • Walk all the way down and to the right a little to where you first started.

The Treasure Chest

  • Walk forward and around the statue until you reach the gap in the wall.
  • Walk through the gap then right to the treasure chest.
  • Pick it up before returning the same way we just came.
  • Walk up a little and left to the gap in the wall.
  • Walk through the gap before following the path down and to the right a little to where we began.

Now we are in a ‘blank space’ with some partial memories. Notice the music box is connected to the door. Click on the door to read ‘Music is the key to unlocking this memory’.

Continue right to see Amaya’s partner Tree dorman, notice the colour of the 1st and 2nd badges on his overalls. Walk all the way left past the music box to a painting. Click on it to see a creepy fairy and more numbers.

Continue left again to see a goblin riding a mole rat and 2 more numbers. Walk back to the music box. Look at the last badge on the music box itself, that should give us 7 colours to use for the song.

For this puzzle you have to match the colours on the badges to the colours on the music box to play a song. The numbers show the order you should enter them into the music box.


Image 13


Use the left knob to change the line. Use the cursor to select the colour for that specific line. Use the handle on the right to play the song after you have finished entering everything. The above picture shows the names of the colours.

You can work this out your self by just taking a mental note of the colours or you can check all the songs below.

Whispers song

  • Pink
  • Pink
  • Beige
  • Purple
  • Green
  • Orange
  • Purple

Wentes song

  • Green
  • Green
  • Orange
  • Green
  • Beige
  • Green
  • Purple

Acorns song

  • Orange
  • Purple
  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Orange
  • Green
  • Purple

Exit through the door, after listening to the song. We are back at the ice fortress. This puzzle is a bit like the one you did with Rosella in the last Chapter.


Image 3


  • Move forward to the purple triangle to start.
  • Move forwards three squares.
  • Move right one square and forward one square.
  • Move left one square, then move right one square (The left guard should now be in place).
  • Move down one square.
  • Move right one square and up one square.
  • Open the door to start a cutscene.

Notice the sapling is now a fully grown tree, walk all the way forward to the brown gate to find its locked by a padlock which needs 4 keys. Return to the middle of the village, where the tree is.

Depending on your previous choices, all but one of the shop doors will be locked. Keep trying to open each door until you find the one that’s open. The door that’s open should be the villager you visited in the last Chapter.

On the shop counter, small table or wall depending on which store you’re in collect ‘Triumph Commemorative plate 1/3’. There will also be a few more things to interact with. Leave the shop for a cutscene. The fire is now destroying everything.

Run home by exiting under the archway and continuing right along the path. When you reach the statue, follow the bottom path down and then right towards the bridge.

Cross the fallen tree to hear an old friend and receive ‘Back gate key 1/4’. After the cutscene we will be back over the other side of the bridge and the fire will be gone.


Image 15


Follow the path down until you reach the bush where the badger was hid in Chapter 1. Collect ‘Triumph commemorative plate 3/3’, from the green bush.

Follow the path downwards once more until you reach the Main Hall, proceed inside. In the middle of the hall will be a table with a candle and a clue. Collect the ‘Candle’.

The clue says, ‘The light will help clear up all your tunnel vision’. We now know we need to use the candle in a tunnel, to find our first object.

Head up the stairs to see a picture of some animals as well as a chest. We’re going to ignore the other animals for now and focus on the Frog.

Exit out of the main hall And follow the path down. When you reach the next available opening to the left take it. The path will take you to the pumpkin patch.


Image 1


From the pumpkin patch continue all the way to the left to the see a ‘fruit picker’ leaned up against the hedge. Collect It and return to the pumpkin patch.

Follow the path right and then straight forward and to the left a little, until you reach Grahams statue. Notice your treasures are saved but all the tree’s are burnt.

Walk along the path to the top right and jump down into the hole/trap.


Image 2


Notice the dirt mound with X marks the spot on it. We need to find something to dig with. Climb back up the ladder and follow the path to the right, stop when you reach the first sign.

Head up the hill and enter the cave to your left. Notice it now has lanterns to light the way. As you walk through the cave you’ll notice you can interact with a small space in the wall.


Image 2


Use ‘Lit candle’ on the space to receive a clue, ‘If this puzzle has you trapped, use this shovel to dig up the answer’, and a ‘Shovel’. Continue left through the cave and out the other end.

Inspect the Goblin holes to see they have been covered up. Continue following the path until you reach the tree Triumph was stuck in.


Image 1


Use ‘Fruit picker’ from your inventory on the tree to receive ‘Triumph Commemorative plate 2/3’. Follow the path left, all the way back to the cave. As your walking notice a Goblin tree village has appeared, there is a key on one of the homes.

Continue left along the path and enter the cave. Turn around 180 degrees and follow the path back to the Goblin tree village. The Village will be gone but the Goblin holes will now be open.

In the third Goblin hole you come to there is a ‘ladder’. Click on it to put the ladder in your inventory. Follow the path left back to the cave. After entering the cave turn around 180 degrees and follow the path back to the Goblin tree village.

Use ‘Ladder’ from your inventory on the third Goblin hole. Climb up the ladder to receive ‘Back gate key 4/4’.

Follow the path that goes back through the cave and down to the bottom of the hill where we started.

When you reach the sign saying ‘Fantastical floating island’. Follow the path to the right. When you reach the sign saying ‘Don’t turn right’. Turn right and you should be at the picnic area.

Walk up to the round grey pedestal and use all 3 ‘Triumph commemorative plates’ on it. Use the small grey knobs at the bottom of the screen to turn each individual plate.

Make sure the first plate has Grahams head pointing north and triumphs feet pointing south. Line up the other two plates so they are in the same place as the first plate.


Image 4


Once all three are lined up you will notice a clicking noise, we can now enter the letters, that Graham and the two arrows are pointing to. Press the grey button next to the lock to receive ‘Back gate key 3/4’.

Exit the picnic area and follow the path left until we are back at the trap/hole in the ground. Jump down into the hole and use ‘Shovel’ from your inventory on X marks the spot.

We will receive another clue, ‘It’s always knife to met the pun king’. As well as a ‘Knife’. ‘Pun king’ sounds a lot like pumpkin. We need to cut open a pumpkin.

Head back to to the pumpkin patch by climbing out the hole, following the path left, past the statue all the way to the village archway, and down towards the pumpkins.

Use ‘Small knife’, on the pumpkin to receive another clue, ‘I’ve always wanted to try fly fishing before I croak’. As well as a ‘Fishing pole with fly bait’. We’re getting close now.


Image 3


From the pumpkin patch walk left a little then straight down to the blank space. Notice the rock in front of you. Walk around the right hand side of the rock and continue straight until Graham tells you there is nothing else to see.


Image 5


Keep walking until You come to an invisible wall. Follow the wall In an upwards and slightly left direction until you feel an invisible entrance. Continue left along the invisible bridge and Graham will try to stop you again but keep going.

Eventually you will see Pillar, walk towards her. Pillar will disappear but continue walking towards her croissants and interact with them.

Follow the path back down and to the right until you come to the rock again. From the rock walk right and down a little. Keep going and you should see some frogs!

Stand on the small pier and use ‘Fishing pole with fly bait’ from your inventory on the frog. During the cutscene you’ll notice the frog has a number 8 on his back.

Time to return to the main hall to finish our puzzle. Walk forwards up the path and back through the blank space keep going until you reach the pumpkin patch. Follow the path to the right and then down, all the way back to the main hall.

The Bunny puzzle

Scattered through out the building are little pink bunnies count them all to find our first number.

The Badger puzzle

Notice the canvas with a badger on it to the left of the room. Go though all the different coloured canvases to see they all have part of a number on them. Once you’ve been through all three click never mind.

The Unicorn puzzle

Notice the scales at the right of the room. The top scale has a miniature version of Mr.fancycakes. The two bottom scales have a 4 ounce and a 8 ounce bottle.

We know that two orange bottles are equal to 4 ounces. Two green bottles and one orange bottle are equal to 8 ounces.

Which means one Orange bottle equals 2 ounces and one Green bottle equals 3 ounces. Using this knowledge place the bottles on the scale next to Mr. Fancycakes to work out how much he weighs.

Return to the main stage with the chest on it and enter the numbers in the order there shown on the canvas. Press the small grey button on the padlock when finished.


Image 6



We should now have all 4 keys for the Village gate and a frog in our inventory. Exit the Main Hall and follow the path across the bridge. Continue along the path past the green bush and take the first left turn that leads to the pumpkin patch.

Walk around the pumpkin patch and forward towards the Village. Enter the Village under the archway, continue walking past the burnt tree all the way to the brown gate.

Use all four keys from your inventory on the padlock to receive ‘Chromium lock’.

Exit through the brown gate and follow the path to the water well. Climb down the rope and follow the path once more.

We should now be stood in front of two cranks, remember from the Prologue that the left crank kills us. Wind the right crank to open the door. Walk through the door for a cutscene.

Follow the path past the waterfall towards Mordack, he will ask us to prove ourselves before we can talk to Mannanan. Walk back along the path past the waterfall and turn left.

Cross the bridge and shuffle around the rock. Climb down the ladders to see a green glowing rock, interact with it to find out it’s kryptonite.

After the sad cutscene we will be playing some vintage King’s Quest. Press cn_A to close the dialogue box.

There are 8 interactions you must complete

  • Talk to the love of my life.
  • Look into mirror.
  • Talk to my precious Alexander.
  • Talk to my sweet Rosella.
  • Get Locket.
  • Look at Armer.
  • Look at Achaka statue and get pearls.
  • Search bush to the left after you exit the castle.
  • Finally cross the bridge to the right.

Notice the bones to your right, interact with them to play a song.

Follow the path past the skeletons and exit through the vines. Talk to the villagers for another cutscene. Wake Graham up with the on screen prompt, to receive ‘Germite crystal‘.

Climb the ladders and shuffle back around the rock. Cross the bridge and return to Mordark. Use ‘Germite crystal’ and ‘Chromium lock’ from your inventory on Mordack.

Follow the path for a cutscene with Mannanan.

After Mannanan has explained to you that one goblet at each station is poisoned and the other is safe it’s time to start the trials. Walk towards the table with the cover removed for our first test.

Clue 1
Three brothers wave
Two of them knights
The other a knave

Knaves lie without fear
Knights are truthful
Lend them your ear
Only ONE cup is neutral

A. Cup one is safe. Beware. Royal guard #B always lies.
B. Cups one and four are tainted.
C. Cup two is tainted, and Royal guard #A always lies.

Firstly we have to find the one lier. We know the lier has to be A or B because they both contradict each other concerning cup 1. C tells us that A always lies which must be true because by deduction we know C is telling the truth.

Guard A is the knave. Which means cup 1 is definitely poisoned. Guard B and C are knights which means cups 2 and 4 are also poisoned.

Drink from goblet 3 and walk over to the next table.

Clue 2
Which four goblets are safe to drink?
This puzzle will reveal the link.

Trolls carry napkins to wipe fruit juice from their chest.
Dragons never eat grapes, the flavour they detest.
Snutes and Trolls peel their food before they ingest.
Each creature eats a different kind of fruit.
Which treat pairs with the Troll, Dragon, Badger and Snute?

Let’s start with Trolls. We know the fruit they eat has to be peeled which means it’s either an orange or banana. We also know the fruit they eat is juicy which means Trolls must eat Oranges.

Snutes also peel their food so by deduction we know Snutes must eat Banana’s. We know Dragons don’t eat grapes so the only other fruit left is Apples. Which means Badgers must eat grapes.


Image 7


Tick the square on the grid for each creature to show what fruit they eat. Notice the goblets are lined up in the same way as the grid. Drink from the four cups that correspond to the ticks on the grid.

Clue 3
Guards standing in formation
In four rows they will align
Pay attention to their location

No guard should repeat in the same line
Find the 3’s in their stations
And your cups will taste just fine.

This game is a sudoku. Each vertical column and horizontal row has to have the numbers 1234. None of them can be repeated in the individual row or column.

We start with 6 stationary numbers on the board these will help us figure out the order of the other numbers. Click one of the blank square for a number to pop up, keep clicking it until you reach your desired number.


Image 8


H1 V1: We know the first square is either a 2 or a 3. Notice column H2 V1 already has a 2 so it must be a 3.
H1 V4: The only missing number is a 2.
H4 V1: Can’t be a 1 because there is a 1 in H4 V3. It can’t be a 3 because there is also a 3 in H1 V1 meaning it can only be a 4.
H3 V1: By deduction must be a 1.
H4 V4: by deduction must be a 3.
H2 V1: By deduction must be a 1.

This should leave us to figure out the four middle squares.

H2 V2: We know it must be a 4 because there is already a 4 in H1 V3.
H3 V2: By deduction must be a 3.
H2 V3: By deduction must be a 3.
H3 V3: The last numbering missing is a 2.


Image 1


Look at the goblets to the right hand side. The clue tells us 3’s are safe. Drink from the goblets that correspond with the boxes on the grid that show a number 3.

Clue 4
Each digit reveals a set of adjacent black squares in the corresponding row or column.
Multiple digits in a row or column reveal multiple sets of consecutive black squares separated by at least one square.
15 of these cups are safe to drink.

This clue is actual instructions on how to complete the grid. Rows are Horizontal. Columns are Vertical.

  • The row with a number 5 in front of it is the easiest. It means you can highlight all the squares in that row black.
  • The row with 1,1,1 means that there has to be a square that isn’t highlighted between each highlighted square. 10101.
  • Notice the two columns at the bottom that have the number 2. They are now complete so nothing else can go in theses columns.
  • The row starting 3. We know the 3 squares in the middle must be highlighted black because the two outer columns are complete.
  • Notice the middle column 2,1 is now also complete.
  • We know the two columns starting 4 need two more spaces highlighted but it can’t be in the row 1,1,1 because that row is already complete. So highlight the other 2 spare squares in rows 1,1 and 1,1.


Image 10


It should look like a little castle. Drink from the goblets that correspond to the squares highlighted black on the grid.

Clue 5
Kings can be brave, compassionate or wise, but there is only one path that leads to all three.
To find the one cup that is safe to drink, you must follow the path that begins on the triangle and ends on a 3.

This is a simple addition and subtraction puzzle. We know from the clue we must start on a triangle so that gives us the option of 12, 8 or 6.

There are 5 possible answers and below them 5 goblets one of which is poisoned. To find the one that isn’t poisoned complete the sums until you find one that is equal to 3.


Image 1


The answer is 6 – 5 + 2 = 3. Drink from goblet number 4.

Clue 6
A good king looks towards the future, but is always conscious of what he is leaving behind.

You may have noticed a shape on each of the tables we have visited so far. This clue tells us to be conscious of what we have left behind. Taking it in a more literal sense, we have recently left behind some goblets at each of the tables.

Visit all 5 tables notice how many goblets are left at each and what symbol is on the table.

Table 1: Diamond and 3 goblets.
Table 2: Star and 12 goblets.
Table 3: Heart and 12 goblets.
Table 4: Spade and 10 goblets.
Table 5: Club and 4 goblets.


Image 12


Tick the numbers 3, 10, 4 and both the 12’s on the grid. Drink from the goblets on the right that correspond to the ticked.

During the cutscene choose either of the cups, you can’t go wrong. Mannanan will be pouring the elixir over your kingdom, stop him by shielding the kingdom with your hands.

After the cutscene we will be in control of Gwendolyn. Navigate your room and exit through the door. As you walk through the hall inspect all the Tapestries. They will illustrate your previous choices though out the game.

Enter the door at the end of the hall to be in Grahams room. Notice the gift on the table as you enter the room. Blow out the candles on the bedside table. Read the note Graham has wrote to you lying on the bed.

Sit in the chair next to Grahams bed. Look at the book of addendum’s and finally, wear your crown.

Congratulations on completing the final chapter

Pick up Rope, Bow and Hatchet

Go past pond to clearing. There are 2 paths going Left and Right.

Just before entering the path that goes Right, look at the tracks that head into the bushes.

Use hatchet on the bushes (you get Leaves)

Now head along Left path until you get to Snoots (horse-like creatures)

Go up path to the Left and get purple Grapes.


Go back to the clearing and take Right path until you get to stump (with squirrel on it)

Use Rope. Use Leaves, Use Grapes (you get Badger)


Go back to Snoots (Horses) and use Badger

Get Banana from tree and go through path top right of screen.

Go right to Hollow Log and use Rope

Use Banana on tree stump next to Hollow Log

Get Sugar Shrooms from broken Log


Go Left to where Turkey-like creatures are

Use Sugar Shrooms on tree stump

Use Hatchet on Vines hanging from tree, before creature comes back to it.


Go back to Tree Stump where you caught the Badger

Use Vines. Use Sugar Shroom.


Whatever choices you make you will end up being chased around a big hole.

As you run past log, use Banana on it.

Go through gap where log was.

Use Hatchet on tree near you. Press :1a: repeatedly

Press :1a: repeatedly to draw Bow. Then shoot rope.


Cut Scenes, then. Game Over